Why this site ?
The origins of this project go back to the distant year 2001; in this period in fact we began to specialize in content creation and management for internet site working with a portal of a large Italian editorial group. From an offer of contents at first limited for geography and subjects we passed, in the year 2004, to the entire covering of the national territory.
In the period 2003-2004 the society, with the contribution of the Region Lombardy, developed its own “internet product” in three languages (Italian, English and Japanese). The site is born from the synergy of these three elements: hardware and connection, the software and the database, the editorial product.
The objective was to develop an hardware-software system able to manage the internet site www.zerodelta.net so that we could dynamically customize and expand it . The choice was to revolt itself to IBM what supplier of hardware, for the safety, the reliability and the support to the operating system Linux. The second fundamental choice was to adopt the standard open source with the adoption of the database MySQL and of the PHP. These they the tools for the creation were and the development of the software ZeroDelta that is at the base of the portal www.zerodelta.net. In the time the compiling of ZeroDelta has therefore developed a series of skills, of connections and of contacts that allowed to create a publishing product sole. In the site for example they find 30.000 receptive structures, 20.000 places where to eat, to drink and to amuse itself, 3.000 places of culture, 3.000 outlet shop, 14.000 places where to learn, with all of the data verified by phone. Being a site I upset to the foreigners with an eye of care for the tourists, we introduced those necessary information to help the visitors that arrive in Italy, like the procedures for the ottenimento of the visa, the educations for the use of the public telephones, a summary of the code of the road et cetera. The writers and the translators of ZeroDelta hold constantly updated the site in manner that the visitors find news and fresh information from the Italy.
Our visitors
Reading access logs, creating stating reports, analyzing IP and proxy is a booring task. We can easily say that most of our visitors are not italian (with Japan as the most single active country). If you really like number and can't stand without them we invite you to visit Alexa, a company that keeps track of almost every internet site statistic measuring visits, speed, contents and reputation.
