Time of fitness, of well-being, of beuty and of health. The sport helps the body and the mind and do not be lacking the places where to practice it; the gymnasiums offer now innumerable possibility: body building, aerobica, cardio-fitness, current of martial limbs and sweet gymnastics, spinning and often also pools for water-gym or swim, only to cite some. Here the addresses of a lot of italian gymnasiums.
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A.S.I.A. Associazione Spazio Interiore e Ambiente
Via Riva Reno 124, Bologna (BO)
A.T.E.M. Ass. Tecniche Espressive Motorie
Via De' Monari 1, Bologna (BO)
Agon Palestre
Via Camonia 22/3, Bologna (BO)
Via Pietro Gubellini 5, Bologna (BO)
Antares - Centro Estetico
Via San Valentino 2 h, Bologna (BO)
Associazione Culturale e Sportiva Shotokan Club
Via Telemaco Signorini 16/D, Bologna (BO)
Associazione Sportiva Athena
Via Maurizio Padoa 4, Bologna (BO)
Athletic Club Performance
Via Nazario Sauro 1/2, Bologna (BO)
Atlas Centro Benessere
Via Vezza 22, Bologna (BO)
Body Club
Via Carlo Cignani 45, Bologna (BO)
Body Planet
Via delle Armi 12, Bologna (BO)
Borghi Carla Fitness Gym
Via Pompeo Vizzani 59/a, Bologna (BO)
Centro Studi Danza Gymmoving e Duende
Via Azzo Gardino 50, Bologna (BO)
Centro Studio Discipline del corpo
Via Andrea Costa 131/2, Bologna (BO)
Europalestra Club
Via De' Carracci 69/5, Bologna (BO)
Excalibur Fitness Club
Via Avesella 7/9, Bologna (BO)
Fitness Club
Via del Rondone 1, Bologna (BO)
Flexing inc. dance
Via delle Lame 2, Bologna (BO)
Ginnic Club
Via Augusto Murri 113, Bologna (BO)
Il Sultano
Via Cesare Boldrini 16, Bologna (BO)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
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Aeroclub 2
Diving center0
Diving schools 6
Flight schools0
Golf Clubs 6
Gyms Active
Horse riding 5
Italian Alpine Club 1
Rock climbing schools0
Sailing schools 3
Ski schools0
Pools 8
explanation of accommodation type...
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