Time of fitness, of well-being, of beuty and of health. The sport helps the body and the mind and do not be lacking the places where to practice it; the gymnasiums offer now innumerable possibility: body building, aerobica, cardio-fitness, current of martial limbs and sweet gymnastics, spinning and often also pools for water-gym or swim, only to cite some. Here the addresses of a lot of italian gymnasiums.
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Fitness Club
Via del Rondone 1, Bologna (BO)
Fitness Time
piazza Ravanet 5, Parma (PR)
via Emilia Ovest , Parma (PR)
Flexing inc. dance
Via delle Lame 2, Bologna (BO)
G.S. Dynamic Club
via Ravenna 167, Ferrara (FE)
Ginnasium 83
via Emilia 35, Rimini (RN)
Ginnic Club
Via Augusto Murri 113, Bologna (BO)
Gruppo Pesisti Riminesi
via Arnaldo da Brescia 8, Rimini (RN)
Gym Tonic
via Faustino Perletti 1, Piacenza (PC)
via Leonardo da Vinci 97, Piacenza (PC)
Gymnos Technè
via Vallona 57, Ravenna (RA)
via Ragazzi del '99 61, Modena (MO)
Il Mito di Venere
via San Marco 8, Piacenza (PC)
Il Sultano
Via Cesare Boldrini 16, Bologna (BO)
via San Francesco 4, Piacenza (PC)
via Alfonso Piazza 70, Modena (MO)
International Body Center
via Meazza 11/a, Parma (PR)
Isadora Centro di ginnastica - danza
Via San Vitale 40/10, Bologna (BO)
Jaeg Sport - Gym & Tonic
via Colombarola 57, Ferrara (FE)
Jazz Studio Gym Dance
vicolo Boccacanale 3, Ferrara (FE)


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Because the human body is a tree. Spring Awakening III In the garden
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