Public high schools
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Giovanni Keplero - Scientifico
via Silvestro Gherardi 87/89, Roma (RM)
Giulio Cesare - Classico
corso Trieste 48, Roma (RM)
Giuseppe Peano - Scientifico
via Francesco Morandini 38, Roma (RM)
Goffredo Mameli - Classico
via Pietro Antonio Micheli 29, Roma (RM)
Gullace Teresa - Scientifico
piazza Dei Cavalieri del Lavoro 18, Roma (RM)
Immanuel Kant - Classico
piazza Livio Zambeccari 19, Roma (RM)
Isacco Newton - Scientifico
viale Alessandro Manzoni 47, Roma (RM)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Liceo Scientifico Statale
via Nicola Fabrizi 7, Roma (RM)
Louis Pasteur - Scientifico
via Giuseppe Barellai 130, Roma (RM)
Lucrezio Caro - Classico
via Venezuela 30, Roma (RM)
M. T. Varrone - Classico
via Salaria per l'Aquila km 91, Cittaducale (RI)
Mamiani Terenzio - Classico
viale delle Milizie 30, Roma (RM)
Manara Luciano - Classico
via Villa Pamphili 7, Roma (RM)
Marcello Malpighi - Scientifico
via Silvestri 295, Roma (RM)
Mariano Buratti - Classico
via Tommaso Carletti 8, Viterbo (VT)
Mariano Buratti - Linguistico
via Tommaso Carletti 8, Viterbo (VT)
Nomentano - Scientifico
via della Bufalotta 22, Roma (RM)
Norberto Turriziani - Classico
via Acciaccarelli 53, Frosinone (FR)
Orazio - Classico
via Alberto Savinio 40, Roma (RM)
Paolo Ruffini - Scientifico
via della Verità 8, Viterbo (VT)


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Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Cariatide (bleue), circa 1913 Modigliani and the Montparnasse Adventure
On 22 January 1920 Amedeo Modigliani was taken, unconscious, to the Hôpital de la Charité in Paris and died there two days later at the age of only 36, struck down by the then incurable disease of tubercular meningitis that he had miraculously managed to survive twenty years earlier.
Il santuario di Greccio - Le immagini sono di proprietà dell\'APT Rieti The Saint Francis Walk
October 4 will be the festivity dedicated to Saint Francis, Patron of Italy: founder of the Order of the Smaller Friars and protector of the nature.



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