Present in all communes it is occupied mainly of the traffic, of the violations to the civil code and to the roads code, of the road accidents. Here the addresses of the seats.
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via Della Concordia 1, Agrigento (AG)
Alessandria - Distretto Nord
viale Teresa Michel 17, Alessandria (AL)
Alessandria - Servizio piantone
via Lanza 29, Alessandria (AL)
Alessandria - Ufficio polizia giudiziaria
via Lanza 29, Alessandria (AL)
Alessandria - Ufficio segreteria
via Lanza 29, Alessandria (AL)
via Dell'Industria 5, Ancona (AN)
via Monte Emilius 24, Aosta (AO)
via Guelfa 28, Arezzo (AR)
Ascoli Piceno
via San Pietro in Castello 3, Ascoli Piceno (AP)
Asti - Comando
via Gustavo Fara 12, Asti (AT)
via Molino Santo Spirito , Avellino (AV)
Bari - Nucleo tutela patrimonio alloggiativo
piazza del Ferrarese 1, Bari (BA)
Bari Corpo di Polizia municipale
traversa Giovanni Gentile 37, Bari (BA)
Bari Pronto intervento
via Paolo Aquilino 1, Bari (BA)
Bari Ufficio incidentistica stradale
via Salvatore Quasimodo 23, Bari (BA)
via Gabelli 9, Belluno (BL)
Benevento - Pronto Intervento
viale Atlantici 19, Benevento (BN)
Bergamo Gestione Pronto Intervendo
via Francesco Coghetti 10, Bergamo (BG)
Bergamo Uffici amministrativi
via Francesco Coghetti 10, Bergamo (BG)
Biella - Comando
via Tripoli 48, Biella (BI)

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Edvard Munch Starry Night 1922–1924 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Perugia Chiostro San Domenico Per gentile concessione STT-IAT PERUGIA Perugia Travel Guide
Perugia is the chief town of Umbria. This beautiful town is sited on a hill in the middle of a verdant country. His central square is considered one of the most beautiful squares of Italy and history, traditions, art and nature make a unique ensemble in this town as in the whole



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