Castel Thun
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località Vigo di Ton , , Vigo - 38010 (TN)
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Opening time
Tuesday 10:00
Wednesday 10:00
Thursday 10:00
Friday 10:00
Saturday 10:00
Sunday 10:00
The imposing Thun Castle, takes name from the homonymous trentina extraction that established itself around at the half of the XIII century and rises in top at the hill which overhangs the village of Vigo di Ton. The actual aspect is for the numerous alterations effected in the course of the Sixteenth century, presenting so a complex of fortifications with towers, walls, bastions and moat. Of big interest are the imposing baronial palace and the Room of the Bishop, entirely covered of wood of cirmolo and with lacunar. In the wide spaces of the castle are followed numerous rooms that reserved rich fittings and a noable picture-gallery. Since 1992 the Castle is of landlady of the Autonomous Province of Trento that is providing at its restoration and at the cataloguing of the library.
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Monuments, spots and palaces Trento

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