True and actual farms, organized and fited to know at the children the secrets and the wonders of the nature through laboratories, theoretic lessons and the direct contact with the animals, the flowers and the trees. Some didactic farms reserve the entrance ath the pupils, others open also at families or groups, sometimes offering service of overnight stay and refreshment.
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via Andreola (Località Scascoli) 2, Loiano (BO)
via Cuppio (Località Lama di Reno) 12, Marzabotto (BO)
via Calzolara 16, Bazzano (BO)
Cà Battistini
via del Segaticcio 1972, Savigno (BO)
Cà Guidotti
via Medelana (Località Luminasio) 16, Marzabotto (BO)
Cà Monti
via Monte Morosino 4, Fontanelice (BO)
Cà Selvatica
via Cassola (Località Calcara) 27, Crespellano (BO)
Cinque Colli
via Sabbiuno 10, Bologna (BO)
via Piratello 21, Imola (BO)
Corte dell'Abbadessa
via Martiri di Pizzocalvo 12, San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
via Tolara di Sopra 82, Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO)
Fungo Spergola Azienda Agricola
via Chiesaccia (Località Calcara) 43, Crespellano (BO)
I Piani
via Merlino 1025, Savigno (BO)
I Pioppi
via Longalora 19, Sala Bolognese (BO)
I Platani
via Provinciale (Località Chiesa Nuova) 19, Crespellano (BO)
I Salici
via Suor Orsola Donati 108, Anzola dell'Emilia (BO)
I Vigneti del Sole
via Sellustra 9, Imola (BO)
Il Borgo Del Riso
via Rondanina 12, Molinella (BO)
Il Casetto
via Cappelline Tonde 6, Imola (BO)
Il Cucco
via Nazionale 83, Altedo (BO)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Spiaggia - Archivio Fotografico Assessorato Turismo Comune di Rimini The Emilia Romagna Riviera
Perhaps it's one of the most known for summer and bathing tourism in Italy: along the Emilia Romagna Riviera, in the Ferrara, Rimini, and Ravenna districts, the tourist is undiscussed protagonist all through spring and summer!
Ferrara Monastero di Sant\'Antonio in Polesine (c) Archivio Fotografico della Provincia di Ferrara Ferrara Travel Guide
Province of Emilia Romagna, the ferrarese territory is rich of natural and artistic treasures: medieval villages, castles and old patrizie abodes punctuate the fertile plains and the lake zones where the nature is protected and the tourist is welcome with the typical heat of the people of the place



Select Destination

Fun and Nature


Fun and Nature

Amusement parks 1
Caves 1
Cooking schools 8
Didactic Farms Active
Discos 11
Natural Parks and botanic gardens 6
Planetariums 2
Bathing establishments0
Zoo and Aquariums0
explanation of accommodation type...
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