Outlet shops For who does not want to renounce to the quality of the big italian and foreigners marks with a eye to the saving. Structure like big warehouses with fine-mark shops or attached to the producre firms, the outlet allow to save all the year.
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3 Scudi
via Gerrone , Cremosano (CR)
via Mantova 141, Cremona (CR)
Camiceria Cormac
via Roma 1, Acquanegra Cremonese (CR)
Cardificio Italiano – Spaccio C.I.M.
strada Statale 415 - Paullese km 27, Cremasco (CR)
Confezioni Lory
via Circonvallazione Nord 14, Offanengo (CR)
Confezioni Maurizia
via Montegrappa 160, Pizzighettone (CR)
Creazioni Saint Michael
via Dei Partigiani 7, Ripalta Cremasca (CR)
Cremona Factory Outlet
via Castelletti 4, San Giovanni in Croce (CR)
Dolce Mercato Sorini
strada statale Paullese km 45,600, Castelleone (CR)
via Circonvallazione Sud 5/E, Offanengo (CR)
via Martiri della Liberazione 26, Spino d'Adda (CR)
Latteria Soresinese
via Landriani 19/21, Soresina (CR)
Lucky Dolciaria
Via Enrico Mattei 2/4, Madignano (CR)
Magazzini Le Matte
strada Statale 415 Paullese , Bagnolo Cremasco (CR)
Rivoltini Torroni
via delle Industrie 22, Cremona (CR)
Rota Felice e Amedeo
cascina San Felice , Spino d'Adda (CR)
via per Trescore Cremasco 28, Palazzo Pignano Cremona (CR)
via Giandini 12, Offanengo (CR)
Sorelle Ramonda
Strada statale 10 per Mantova , Gadesco Pieve Delmona (CR)
Spazio Moda
via Castelmanfredo 53, San Bassano (CR)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Skiddi2 Alpine World Ski Championship
From January 28 to February 13, 2005 in High Valtellina goes on the show more wait of the season: a tasting and a kind of "trial" for the Winner Olympic games that will dispute to Turin in 2006.



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