True and actual farms, organized and fited to know at the children the secrets and the wonders of the nature through laboratories, theoretic lessons and the direct contact with the animals, the flowers and the trees. Some didactic farms reserve the entrance ath the pupils, others open also at families or groups, sometimes offering service of overnight stay and refreshment.
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località Tolarolo , Bedonia (PR)
Antica Grancia Benedettina
corte di Sanguigna 136, Colorno (PR)
cascina Podere Bodriazzo , Zibello (PR)
località Battistoni , Varano de' Melegari (PR)
Casa Nuova
località Casanuova 1, Tizzano Val Parma (PR)
via Castelcorniglio 191, Specchio di Solignano (PR)
Cà D'Ranier
località Groppizioso 21, Tizzano Val Parma (PR)
Cà Pruzzi
via Case Pruzzi 12, Sant'Andrea Bagni Medesano (PR)
strada Pilastro 8, Panocchia (PR)
strada Calastra 1, Pilastro (PR)
località Scacciapensieri Gaviana 138, Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)
Il Gelso
via Gandazzi 85, Cazzola di Traversetolo (PR)
Il Tondino
via Tabiano 58, Fidenza (PR)
La Coloretta
via Provinciale 19, Varano de' Melegari (PR)
La Madonnina
strada Pilastro 25, Torrechiara di Langhirano (PR)
La Ronsona
via Scipione Bocca 124, Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)
via Roma 75, Vicofertile (PR)
via Muroni 28, Sanguinaro (PR)
località Rimale , Fidenza (PR)
San Geminiano
via San Geminiano 11, Monticelli Terme (PR)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Stabilimento balneare - Archivio Fotografico Assessorato Turismo Comune di Rimini The Emilia Romagna Riviera
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Rocca Sanvitale, Sala da Biliardo  - Ufficio Turismo Comune di Fontanellato Fontanellato Travel Guide
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Fun and Nature


Fun and Nature

Amusement parks0
Cooking schools 1
Didactic Farms Active
Natural Parks and botanic gardens 7
Planetariums 1
Bathing establishments0
Zoo and Aquariums 1
explanation of accommodation type...
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