Over 30.000 solutions and suggestions among italian hotels, Youth Hostels, campings, mountain refuges and B&B to test italian hospitality wrapped up into magic atmosphere of italian art's city, of nature and of beautiful seaside.
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Al Capretto d'Oro 2 Stelle
via Amendola , Leporano (TA)
Al Mandarino d'Oro 2 Stelle
viale Chiatona 19, Palagiano (TA)
Al N° 3
vico II Cirillo 4, Martina Franca (TA)
Al Pergolo
strada Pegolo F 6, Martina Franca (TA)
All Paradise
contrada Stornara , Ginosa (TA)
Amedeo La Pinetina
via Tamora 16, San Pietro in Bevagna (TA)
Antica Masseria Jorche
contrada Jorche , Torricella (TA)
Appia Palace 4 Stelle
strada Statale Appia 7 al Km.633, Massafra (TA)
Ara Solis 4 Stelle
via Calata Penna Dritta 2, Taranto - Località Lido Azzurro (TA)
A San Pietro in Bevagna, contrada Specchiarica, km 11 a Sud di Manduria, sulla litoranea per Porto Cesareo, a m 400 dal mare , Mandùria (TA)
Bagaglino 3 Stelle
strada Statale 172 al km 12, Statte (TA)
Baia del Pescatore 3 Stelle
località Luogovivo , Leporano (TA)
Beach House
via del Sole 3/5, Lizzano (TA)
Bel Sit 3 Stelle
via Mediterraneo , Taranto - Località San Francesco degli Aranci (TA)
Bella Oasi 2 Stelle
viale Marinai d'Italia , Palagiano (TA)
Bizantino 4 Stelle
strada Statale Appia al km 634, Massafra (TA)
Bosco di Mudonato
via per Salice Salentino Km 3, Avetrana (TA)
Buttiglione Francesca
via Gelsomini 12, Pulsano (TA)
Caesar 2 Stelle
via Partigiani Caduti 1/A, Grottaglie (TA)
Calané - Villaggio Albergo 4 Stelle
località Principessa , Castellaneta (TA)

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Edvard Munch Starry Night 1922–1924 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Grotta Bianca The Caves of Castellana
A travel indoors of the most italian karst structure did not expolred from the man, three kilometres between caves and abysses from the mythological and fantastic names.
Fasano: panorama dalla Selva - Fototeca APT Brindisi Land of Brindisi
Land of Light, Land of History: various for resources and peculiar characteristics, and endowed with a natural identity and a common substratum linking up the coast and the hinterland ones, the people living on the gentle hills and those living in the towns, sweetly spread on the plain of Brindisi.



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Agritourism 9
Bed and Breakfast 42
Campings 5
Holiday Villages0
Hotels 68
Mountain huts0
Residences 5
Tourist Houses 4
Youth hostels0
explanation of accommodation type...
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