Over 30.000 solutions and suggestions among italian hotels, Youth Hostels, campings, mountain refuges and B&B to test italian hospitality wrapped up into magic atmosphere of italian art's city, of nature and of beautiful seaside.
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La Quercia 1 Stelle
strada statale Asolana 9, San Giovanni in Croce (CR)
La Torre
via Ventiquattro Maggio 31, Ripalta Cremasca (CR)
Le Ghiande
via Canove 1, Sospiro (CR)
Le Monache
cascina Monache , Rivolta d'Adda (CR)
Le Siepi 3 Stelle
via Trioni 86, Ostiano (CR)
Leon D'Oro 3 Stelle
via Roma 69, San Bassano (CR)
Lo Stagno
via Gerre del Pesce 1, Stagno Lombardo (CR)
Mantovani 3 Stelle
via Circonvallazione Sud 1, Offanengo (CR)
Nazionale 1 Stelle
via Roma 2, Casale Cremasco (CR)
Nuovo Centauro 2 Stelle
via Umberto I 29, Dovera (CR)
Palace 3 Stelle
via Cresmiero 10, Crema (CR)
Parco al Po
Lungo Po Europa 12/A, Cremona (CR)
Park 3 Stelle
via IV Novembre 51, Crema (CR)
Park 4 Stelle
strada statale 415 km 47, Castelleone (CR)
Ponte di Rialto 3 Stelle
via Cadorna 5/7, Crema (CR)
località Pradazzo , Castelleone (CR)
Riviera Oglio
via Maggiore 6, Piadena (CR)
Rugantino 3 Stelle
via Silvio Pellico 11, Casalmaggiore (CR)
Santa Maria
via Cascine 27, Torlino Vimercati (CR)
Santa Maria Bressanoro
via San Lorenzo 1, Castelleone (CR)


Page 3 of 4
Edvard Munch Starry Night 1922–1924 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Skiddi2 Alpine World Ski Championship
From January 28 to February 13, 2005 in High Valtellina goes on the show more wait of the season: a tasting and a kind of "trial" for the Winner Olympic games that will dispute to Turin in 2006.



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Agritourism 20
Bed and Breakfast 3
Campings 1
Holiday Villages0
Hotels 38
Mountain huts0
Tourist Houses0
Youth hostels 3
explanation of accommodation type...
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