What hits some territory crotonese is the variety of the landscape: from the lands cultivated to the large forests of the Sila, to the vineyards, the nature is presented under different and surprising garments. Considered an of the most attractive beaches of the Jonio, offers to the visitors a naturalistic property of large quality, for the presence of tracks and documents of the distant past. Seat of a the most famous philosophical schools of the antiquity, is all now an of the Calabrian town than much more deserve a visit. Evocative are the historical beauties like the famous Castle of Carlo V, drawn on the old Acropoli, with annexed the Municipal Musuem that takes care the well-known (sole to the World) Diadema of Hera Lacinia and the numerous and elegant Palaces of ald and noble families, among which that of Giunti, of Albani and of Barracco situated in the Historical Center. The tradition crotonese feed reflects faithfully the mediterranean diet, made of dishes that span from those more essential and simple to those more elaborated. Besides to the pasta made in house we find legumes, the pescespada and of old tradition and specialy choice is the oil of olive.Considerable is the production of sweets and the famous sheep's milk cheese Crotonese while a place of honor is occupied from paprika sheep's milk cheese that is abundantly used in almost every dish. |