Public primary schools
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A. Manunzio - Istituto Comprensivo Manunzio
via della Stazione 8, Latina (LT)
Ada Negri
via Latina 303, Roma (RM)
Adelaide Cairoli
via Luigi Rizzo 1, Roma (RM)
Alessandro Manzoni
via Lusitania 18, Roma (RM)
Alessandro Volta - I Circolo Didattico
via Emilio Bianchi 13, Viterbo (VT)
Alfredo Baiocco
via Casalotti 87/b, Roma (RM)
Amerigo Vespucci
via delle Acacie 56, Roma (RM)
Andrea Boltar
piazza Ludovico Cerva 45, Roma (RM)
Angelo Celli
via dei Torriani 44, Roma (RM)
Anna Magnani
via Val Maggia 21, Roma (RM)
Annibale Tona
via Emilio Macrò 25, Roma (RM)
Antonio De Curtis
viale San Giovanni Bosco 125, Roma (RM)
Aurelio Pozzi
via Casilina 1374, Roma (RM)
Bagnaia - III Circolo Didattico
piazza Gustavo Adolfo , Viterbo (VT)
via Giovan Battista Valente 100, Roma (RM)
Borgo Carso- Istituto Comprensivo Natale Prandolini
via Borgo Piave , Latina (LT)
Borgo Grappa - Istittuto Comprensivo Sabotino
via Onorati , Latina (LT)
Borgo Sonzo - IV Circolo Didattico
via Sezze 25, Latina (LT)
Bosco Margherita
via Giuseppe Messina 51, Roma (RM)
via Rodolfo Lanciani 45, Roma (RM)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Il santuario di Fonte Colombo - Le immagini sono di proprietà dell\'APT Rieti The Saint Francis Walk
October 4 will be the festivity dedicated to Saint Francis, Patron of Italy: founder of the Order of the Smaller Friars and protector of the nature.



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