The more significant exhibitions of art in the museums and in the italian art-galleries.
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Al ritmo del tiempo
piazza Navona 91, Roma (RM)
Alcide De Gasperi. Un europeo venuto dal futuro
piazzale degli Archivi 27, Roma (RM)
Aldo Bertolini - Nitro Contreras
via Ostilia 3a, Roma (RM)
Alessandra Buccilli, Candida Scanu, Young Sil Choi
via Cesare Santini 20, Roma (RM)
Alighiero Boetti - Dru Gu Choegyal Rinpoche - Acharya Viakul
via del Gesù 62, Roma (RM)
Alla scoperta del Vesuvio
via San Pietro in Carcere , Roma (RM)
Altre Lilith: Le Vestali dell'Arte - Terzo Millennio
piazza Guglielmo Marconi 6, Frascati (RM)
Altri Luoghi
via Urbana 122, Roma (RM)
via Chigi 15, Viterbo (VT)
Angeli, Demoni e altre storie
via Quattro Fontane 128/a, Roma (RM)
Angelo Colagrossi, Mario Ferrante, Piero Mascetti
piazza dell'Alberone 6, Roma (RM)
Anima animal
piazza Pia 2, Anzio (RM)
vicolo del Governo Vecchio 8, Roma (RM)
piazza di Santa Cecilia 16, Roma (RM)
Annibale Carracci
via della Pace , Roma (RM)
Antonio Donghi 1897-1963
via San Pietro in Carcere , Roma (RM)
Antonio Ligabue
piazza della Rocca 21, Viterbo (VT)
Antonio Recalcati. Cinque momenti dal '60 allo '06
piazza dell'Accademia di San Luca 77, Roma (RM)
Antonio Scordia
viale Bruno Buozzi 64, Roma (RM)
vicolo Orto di Napoli 5, Roma (RM)


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 Because the human body is a tree. Spring Awakening I In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Jeune fille rousse (Jeanne Hébuterne), 1918 Modigliani and the Montparnasse Adventure
On 22 January 1920 Amedeo Modigliani was taken, unconscious, to the Hôpital de la Charité in Paris and died there two days later at the age of only 36, struck down by the then incurable disease of tubercular meningitis that he had miraculously managed to survive twenty years earlier.
Il santuario di Greccio - Le immagini sono di proprietà dell\'APT Rieti The Saint Francis Walk
October 4 will be the festivity dedicated to Saint Francis, Patron of Italy: founder of the Order of the Smaller Friars and protector of the nature.



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Live music 86
Abroad Italian Embassies0
Archaeological areas 47
Art exhibitions Active
Art galleries 13
Art-galleries 309
Historical signs and curiosity0
Monuments, spots and palaces 220
Museums 276
Theatres 81
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