The Body of Police is taken care of public safety and depends from the Ministry of the inside. It arranges special departements fro the struggle to the sale of drug, to the sophistication of the food, for the search to disappearance people and the knock-off of the booby-trap and for the strggle to the organized crime and to gangsters in type. Paricular departments is taken care of security on the roads, in the railroad station and in the airports, in sea and in mountain and to control of the immigration. The national number is 113, here you will find the addresses of the police headquarters and of the commissionerships of the zone.
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Commissariato di Milano Bonola
via Enrico Falck 12, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Cenisio
via Chianciano 6, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Centro
piazza San Sepolcro 9, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Città Studi
via Alvise Cadamosto 4, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Fiera
via Ambrogio Spinola 12, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Garibaldi - Venezia
via Giovanni Schiaparelli 8, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Greco - Turro
via Francesco Perotti 2, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Lambrate
via Maniago (angolo via Feltre) , Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Monforte
via Carlo Poma 8, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Porta Genova
piazza Venino 6, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Porta Ticinese
via Odoardo Tabacchi 6, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano San Siro
via Novara 199, Milano (MI)
Commissariato di Milano Scalo Romana
via Federico Chopin 52, Milano (MI)
Questura di Milano
via Fatebenefratelli 11, Milano (MI)
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European title of cookery is contented between Italy and France, but with any doubt italian cusine is one of the most famous and appreciated all over the world. Italy has exported products, recipes, traditions and customs.



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