Time of fitness, of well-being, of beuty and of health. The sport helps the body and the mind and do not be lacking the places where to practice it; the gymnasiums offer now innumerable possibility: body building, aerobica, cardio-fitness, current of martial limbs and sweet gymnastics, spinning and often also pools for water-gym or swim, only to cite some. Here the addresses of a lot of italian gymnasiums.
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A.S.I.A. Associazione Spazio Interiore e Ambiente
Via Riva Reno 124, Bologna (BO)
A.T.E.M. Ass. Tecniche Espressive Motorie
Via De' Monari 1, Bologna (BO)
Accademia spinning Libertas
viale Bologna 86/B, Forlì (FC)
Acrobatic Center
via Pier Francesco Passerini 31, Piacenza (PC)
Agon Palestre
Via Camonia 22/3, Bologna (BO)
Via Pietro Gubellini 5, Bologna (BO)
Aikido Club
strada San Cataldo 136/A, Modena (MO)
All Jolly Sports
viale Giovanni Amendola 233, Modena (MO)
Alter Ego Associazione sportiva
via Bertola 74, Rimini (RN)
Another Way
via Umberto Ceva 5, Piacenza (PC)
Antares - Centro Estetico
Via San Valentino 2 h, Bologna (BO)
Associazione Culturale e Sportiva Shotokan Club
Via Telemaco Signorini 16/D, Bologna (BO)
Associazione Sportiva Athena
Via Maurizio Padoa 4, Bologna (BO)
Associazione Sportiva C.D.K.R. Fisyodinamik
viale Rimembranze 29, Rimini (RN)
Associazione Sportiva e Culturale Sport e Salute
via Oberdan 34, Rimini (RN)
Athletic Club Performance
Via Nazario Sauro 1/2, Bologna (BO)
Atlas Centro Benessere
Via Vezza 22, Bologna (BO)
Atletic Club
via Ferrara 10/a, Parma (PR)
via Giovanni Briosi 80/a, Ferrara (FE)
Black Star
via Porta Merlonia 6, Forlì (FC)

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Edvard Munch Starry Night 1922–1924 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
 Because the human body is a tree. Spring Awakening I In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
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Province of Emilia Romagna, the ferrarese territory is rich of natural and artistic treasures: medieval villages, castles and old patrizie abodes punctuate the fertile plains and the lake zones where the nature is protected and the tourist is welcome with the typical heat of the people of the place
Il Parmigianino, Diana e Atteone Ufficio Turismo Comune di Fontanellato Fontanellato Travel Guide
Wonderful centre in the parmense land, Fontanellato takes its name from the ancient place-name “Fontana Lata” which is a reference to the abundant water resources and characteristic “risorgive” (natural springs) of area lying between the uplands and lowlands of the Po Valley.



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