Situated in the center of the Pianura Padana, Ferrara blends the atmosphere of its past with that its present. The most well-knonw image is certainly that of its big Rinascimento, a period of brightness that has left wherever indelible marks: to leave Castello Estense and the numerous Chiese, Abbazie and Gallerie of Arte present in the territory. From 1995 the historical center of Ferrara was introduced in from the Unesco in the strip of the Patrimonio Mondiale of the Umanità. Who it will visit these places will remain satisfied from the kitchen excited from ancient prescriptions and news, done of simple and natural tastes, from the bread to the fruit, from the vegetables to the fish, from the sausages to the wines. Attraction for numerous tourists that want to spend a naturalistic day is the Isola Bianca: it is discussed of an of the most ancient fluvial islands of the Po, situated between Pontelagoscuro and Francolino, accessible to the disabled for means of a boat and of paths specially supplied. |