Argentinian restaurants
The Argentinian cooking, poor of spices and seasonings, but abounding in the quantity, sinks his roots in that spanish. The main resource of the Countries is the meat, one of the best in the world, that is prepared to the brace (braseros), to the skewer (asados), on the grill (churrascos) or boiled (puncheros) and offer always in big portions, with surround of legumes, potatoes, rice or mais and varied sauces of accompaniment, like the Chinichurri. The typical argentinian food is the asado (meat of cow cooked to the grill), besides the "empanadas" (a sort of pasta stuffed from meat and other flavors), the "tamales", the "humita" and the "locro". Fish and crustaceans ( specially renowned salmon and trout of the region andina) are cooked to the spanish. A dish of lean part very spread are "los huevos rancheros", cooke eggs served on slices of toasted bread and sprinkled with a sauce of garlic, onions, tomato, peppers, paprika and oil. Here the Argentinian restaurant born in Italy.