Traditionally they are locals where it is possible to taste a typical cooking to houswife preparation in informal environment and without demands, accompanied from strong wines and not always D.O.C., but some restaurants are now refreshing also if have maintained the country style of the furnishing and the genuineness of the cooking, raising the quality of the service and unfortunately, also the prices!
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La Cantinetta
via Giuseppe Ripamonti 19, Milano (MI)
La Carbonella
via Terraggio 9, Milano (MI)
La Contrada
via Enrico Cialdini 89, Milano (MI)
La Madonnina
via Gentilino 6, Milano (MI)
La Nuova Tavernetta
via Francesco Albani 41, Milano (MI)
La Speranza
via Giuseppe Candiani 114, Milano (MI)
La Tagliata
via Ariberto 1, Milano (MI)
La Veneta
via Giuseppe Giusti 14, Milano (MI)
Le Colline Pisane
largo La Foppa 5, Milano (MI)
Le Vigne
ripa di Porta Ticinese 61, Milano (MI)
Mandi!! Osteria Friulana
via Nicola d'Apulia 4, Milano (MI)
viale Umbria 80, Milano (MI)
Matto di Bacco
viale Romagna 37, Milano (MI)
via Santa Marta 11, Milano (MI)
via Santa Marta 11, Milano (MI)
via Valsanino 2, San Colombano al Lambro (MI)
via Monluè 75, Milano (MI)
via Giulio Cesare Procaccini 54, Milano (MI)
Novelli i Tre Cà
via Padova 344, Milano (MI)
Orsa Minore
via Tertulliano 32, Milano (MI)


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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.



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