San Rocco |
San Rocco
1, , Alessandria - 15100 (AL) |
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The alessandrino convent of Saint John of the Cappuccio was founded in 1189 by the Umiliati and oocupied the actual Saint Rocco. At the beginning of the fourteenth century the “house” of Saint John of the Cappuccio was changed in the most important centre of the movement in Alessadria, the Umilitai were a economical power and for this reason were unpopular from the aristocratic population. In 1571 Pio V decrees the soppression of the order, S. John of the Cappuccio was entrusted at others religious orders that effected various intervations of reorganization. In the may of 1830 took over the Confraternity of Saint Barnaba and Saint Rocco. During the First World War was store for forages until when Don Orione did not interest and in 1925 was erected a parish. In 1947 was given at the Opera of Don Orione.
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