Rome comes from always considered a "museum to open sky", for the number and the quality of the works of art that covered it and we state that describe the town and its province in little lines cannot give back deserve. From the architectural point of view, the center presents a myriad of buildings and baroque churches, renaissance and nineteenth-century, besides to the ruins of the roman empire. To remember the fountain of Piazza of Spagna, the Fontana of Trevi, the Pantheon, the Obelisco Vaticano, the Catacombe, the Colosseo and other still. Removing of little, there are still districts that maintain the refined structure of beginning nine hundred, like Prati and some particular areas like the "district Coopedè", in which triumphs the floral art nouveau. Finally, the district thought for the Universal exhibition of Rome (simply said EUR) presents modern solutions and imposing buildings, in white marble, of large interest. Rome, seat of the Caholic Church almost from the origin and almost continuously, accomodates a big number of monumental churches and cathedrals. The most well-known are the Chiesa of SS. Ambrogio and Carlo to the Corso, the Cathedral of San Giovanni in Laterano and Palace Laterano, the Cathedral and the Church Patriarcale of S. Pietro and Colonnato and the Church of S. Ivo to the Sapienza. The first places of religion was the catacombe and, how long the religion was embraced from the roman empire, the edification of sacred places is not more stopped. Today, the baroque is the predominating style but, above to the center, there are still nnumerous renaissance accomplishment and of previous periods. |