Italy has a lot of different gastronomic specialities all over its regions: here we give you addresses where to taste them.
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al Bosco
via Valmarana 13, Saonara (PD)
Al Camin
viale Felice Cavallotti 44, Padova (PD)
Al Cancelletto
via Corsica 4, Padova (PD)
Al Prato
piazza Prato della Valle 4/5, Padova (PD)
Al Santo
via del Santo 147, Padova (PD)
Al Tamiso
via Desman (Località San Michele delle Baldesse) 359, Borgoricco (PD)
Al Tezzon
via Trento e Trieste 33/9, Camposampiero (PD)
Alle Querce
via San Pelagio 95, Due Carrare (PD)
Antico Brolo
corso Milano 22, Padova (PD)
Ballotta dal 1605
via Carromatto 4, Torreglia (PD)
Bastioni del Moro
via Pilade Bronzetti 18, Padova (PD)
via Vigonovese (Località Camin) 427, Padova (PD)
Casa del Pellegrino
via Melchiorre Cesarotti 21, Padova (PD)
Casa Veneta
vicolo Ponte Molino 11, Padova (PD)
Cà Noghera Da Romolo
via Paliaga 5, Venezia (VE)
da Attilio
via Guizza 381, Padova (PD)
da Cencio
via Fermi 11, Montegrotto Terme (PD)
da Giovanni
via Pietro Maroncelli 22, Padova (PD)
da Icli l'Abruzzese
via Jacopo Riccati 28, Treviso (TV)
dei Paccagnella
via del Santo 113, Padova (PD)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Piazza Signori-Torre Lamberti - Immagini Archivio Provincia di Verona Verona Travel Guide
Magnificent chief town of the Veneto, well-known for the Arena, suggestive amphitheatre of the roman epoch and to be been chosen like background at the famous drama of Shakespeare. The territory offers tourist destinations also in naturalistic field: the lake of Garda, hills and mountains.
PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE - (C)Archivio Fotografico Turismo Padova Terme Euganee/fotografo: Danesin Padua travel guide
Padua and his province are located in the middle of the venetian flat land, between lagoon and hills, they are one of the most important cultural and economic centre of north-east of italian country. The town has great artistic and cultural traditions and may to be proud of wonderful monuments.



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Abruzzo cuisine 1
Calabrian cuisine0
Campanian cuisine0
Emilian-Romagna cuisine0
Friulian cuisine0
Lazio cuisine0
Ligurian cuisine0
Lombardy cuisine0
Marche cuisine0
Piedmontese cuisine0
Apulia cuisine0
Sardinian cuisine 2
Sicilian cuisine0
Tuscan cuisine0
Umbrian cuisine0
Venetian cuisine 25
Basilicata Restaurants0
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