Traditionally they are locals where it is possible to taste a typical cooking to houswife preparation in informal environment and without demands, accompanied from strong wines and not always D.O.C., but some restaurants are now refreshing also if have maintained the country style of the furnishing and the genuineness of the cooking, raising the quality of the service and unfortunately, also the prices!
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La Nuova Maxim
via Montà 113, Padova (PD)
La Pergola
via Fiume (Località Mestre) 42, Venezia (VE)
La Perla
Cannaregio 4615, Venezia (VE)
La Pigna
via Pigna 4/B, Verona (VR)
La Sorgente
via Pontara Sandri 8, Verona (VR)
La Stueta Ostaria
via Redentore 4/B, Verona (VR)
La Taverna
via Amba Alagi (Località Cortellazzo) 11, Jesolo (VE)
Le Campane
Cannaregio 1401, Venezia (VE)
Locanda Alla Colomba
via Ortazzo 25, Treviso (TV)
piazza San Giuseppe 10, Vicenza (VI)
Mazzorbo (Località Burano) 7/B, Venezia (VE)
via Barberia 19, Treviso (TV)
Marca Gioiosa
via Inferiore 33, Treviso (TV)
via Daniele Manin 37, Padova (PD)
Marta D'Oro
Via Meassa 312, Belluno (BL)
via Vigonovese 337, Padova (PD)
fondamenta Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour (Località Murano) 18, Venezia (VE)
via Pescheria 23, Treviso (TV)
via Novissimo Argine Sinistro 29, Mira (VE)
viale Sant'Agostino 59, Arcugnano (VI)


Page 8 of 10
Edvard Munch Starry Night 1922–1924 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Because the human body is a tree. Spring Awakening II In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Riviera olivi  Prodotti Tipici - Immagini Archivio Provincia di Verona Verona Travel Guide
Magnificent chief town of the Veneto, well-known for the Arena, suggestive amphitheatre of the roman epoch and to be been chosen like background at the famous drama of Shakespeare. The territory offers tourist destinations also in naturalistic field: the lake of Garda, hills and mountains.
PRATO DELLA VALLE - (C)Archivio Fotografico Turismo Padova Terme Euganee/fotografo: Danesin Padua travel guide
Padua and his province are located in the middle of the venetian flat land, between lagoon and hills, they are one of the most important cultural and economic centre of north-east of italian country. The town has great artistic and cultural traditions and may to be proud of wonderful monuments.



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Autogrill 24
Italian breakfast0
Macrobiotic restaurants0
Pizzerias 182
Pubs 41
Restaurants 666
Osterias and trattorias Active
Vegeterian restaurants 1
Wine-bar 39
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