Antique or contemporary art, technology and science, story and archeology in the innumerable Italian museums
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Antica Stamperia Fabiani
piazza Mazzini 5, Petritoli (AP)
Antiquarium Truentinum
viale Cristoforo Colombo , San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
Archeologico Cesare Cellini
piazza 20 Settembre 12, Ripatransone (AP)
Archeologico del Territorio di Cupra Marittima
via Castello Marano , Cupra Marittima (AP)
Archeologico Guglielmo Allievi
via Roma 17, Offida (AP)
Archeologico Statale di Ascoli Piceno
piazza Arringo 1, Ascoli Piceno (AP)
Arte Sacra di Castignano
piazza San Pietro , Castignano (AP)
Arte Sacra di Comunanza
piazza Santa Caterina , Comunanza (AP)
via Forte 16, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
via Ciccolini , Rotella (AP)
Civico Palazzo Bonomi Gera
corso Vittorio Emanuele 32, Ripatransone (AP)
Civiltà Contadina e Artigiana
piazzale San Francesco 1, Ripatransone (AP)
Diocesano di Ascoli Piceno
piazza Arringo 10/b, Ascoli Piceno (AP)
Diocesano di Ripatransone
corso Vittorio Emauele , Ripatransone (AP)
Fortezza Medievale
piazza Del Forte 1, Acquaviva Picena (AP)
Grotta della Sibilla
via Trieste , Montemonaco (AP)
Ittico Augusto Capriotti
Banchina di Riva Malfizia 19, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
Malacologico Piceno
via Adriatica Nord 240, Cupra Marittima (AP)
Mare e delle Anfore
viale Colombo 94/96, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
Merletto a Tombolo
via Roma 17, Offida (AP)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Millenium Falcon Guerre Stellari – Play, Genoa from 9 March to 15 October 2017
From 9 march to 15 october 2017 over 1000 pieces including models, action figures and vintage prints – some on display in Italy for the first time – give visitors a chance to explore the most unforgettable scenes and characters from a world that still fascinates and thrills fans around the globe.
Fossombrone, Corte Alta - (foto Prov. Pesaro Urbino - Assessorato al Turismo) Pesaro-Urbino Travel Guide
Pesaro-Urbino district is wetting by the Adriatic sea: it is note for its "maioliche", the parks, the castles and its artistc treasures as well as adequate receptive structures and amusements for the seaside, religious, "green" and enogastronomic tourism.
Panorama Frasassi Grottoes
The territory of Genga, a small village in the province of Ancona, stretches over evocative panoramas at the foot of the Marches Apennines. In its vast extension lie the Frasassi Grottoes, crossed by the Sentino river, of exceptional scenic and natural interest.



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Live music0
Abroad Italian Embassies0
Archaeological areas 3
Art exhibitions 27
Art galleries 4
Art-galleries 12
Historical signs and curiosity0
Monuments, spots and palaces 15
Museums Active
Theatres 3
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