Bologna is a town of 40o thousand livings situated to the limit between plain and Appennino, to 54 meters on the level of the sea, them whose origini are lost in the antiquity. Seat of the report archeological, Bologna exists already like urban center to the time of the Etruscans (Vi century a.C.). The urbanistic installation of the historical center is still unbroken in its order medieval, with the principal roads that leave to sunburst pattern from the central board towards the periphery, crossing the building circle of 1300, with its 12 doors of access, of whom 9 perfectly preserved and still today quite visible. Of period two-fourteenth-century are the main gothic churches, like San Domenico, San Francesco, San Giacomo, San Maria of the Servi and of the same period are the palaces of Podestà and of the Re Enzo, than following from the palace Comunale (or Accursio), that with the Basilica of San Petronio form the historical and monumental unit of Piazza Maggiore. This Province does not offer only artistic monuments and characteristic angles but, little to the of outside of the wall, enjoys a considerable one will vary of landscapes. It is gone from the plain to the necks of some height of meters of hundred to arrive until countries like Monghidoro both Monzuno and corno to the Scale (with its mountain that reaches the 1945 meters). The natural zone more near to the town is the Parco of the Gessi that it is extended on the first hill slopes to southeast of Bologna, between the torrents Savena, Zena, Idice and Quaderna. |