Monza under the Frank
The Frank carried the town of Monza at further splendour, contributing its large development and progress. Berengario I surrounded the imperial crown in 888. It seems sure tha was own head for the first time, starting a tradition of coronations that arrives until at 1848 (Ferdinando of Austria was the last sovereign of a series that icludes Federico Barbarossa, Carlo V and Naopleon. Berengario favoured the Church with great concessions, dying in 924. Monza is provided of castle and of new churches. Ottone III in 995 declairs the town imperial seat, leader of Lombardy and of the government ("Est Sedes Italiae Regni Modoetia Magni"). Such preference is the cause of the future hostility with the near Milan.
La corona ferrea di Monza
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Historical signs and curiosity Monza and Brianza

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