The rising of these structures signs how is increasing, in the third millenium, the desire of the contact with the nature and the dream to spend the periods of repose in calm places, where it's possible to stroll, eat halthy and to surrounded by pure landscapes. There are agriturismi for every requirement and every wallet: in hills, to the sea or in country, spartani or of luxury, with activity organized or alone to rest.
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Ca' Orlandini
contrada Orlandini - Briotti , Ponte in Valtellina (BG)
via Rizzi , Castione della Presolana (BG)
La Peta
via Petta 3, Costa Serina (BG)
via Fienili , Lenna (BG)
La Roncalina
via Belvedere 16, Palazzago (BG)
Prati Parini
via Ca' Chinaglio , Sedrina (BG)
Casa Clelia
via Corna 1/3, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII (BG)
Stala di Mostacc
via Mostacc , Valbondione (BG)
Cascina Oglio
località Fosio 24, Villongo (BG)
I Videtti
via Torquato Tasso 11, Villongo (BG)
vi Grabbia 7, San Giovanni Bianco (BG)
Le Rondini
via Giovanni Finazzi 18, Bergamo (BG)
Monte Cura
via Monte Cura 6, Albino (BG)
via Ripa 40, Alzano Lombardo (BG)
L'Orso Biodinamico
via Orso 17, Brumano (BG)
via Cambreno , Caprino Bergamasco (BG)
Cascina Ombria
via Ombria 1, Caprino Bergamasco (BG)
Cascina Castel
via Agro , Casnigo (BG)
Ranch Cascina Clì
via Valle Rossa , Cene (BG)
Cascina del Colle
via Colle Bondo , Colzate (BG)
Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Mother Tree. Rooted by the Spine In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.



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Hotels 42
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Residences 4
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Youth hostels 2
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