Wandering the streets of the city ...
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viale Amendola 1, La Spezia (SP)
Castello di Ameglia
Ameglia (SP)
Castello di Deiva Marina
Deiva Marina (SP)
Castello di Lerici
piazza San Giorgio , Lerici (SP)
Castello di Madrignano
piazza del Leone , Calice al Cornoviglio (SP)
Castello di Portovenere
Portovenere (SP)
Castello di San Giorgio
via 27 Marzo , La Spezia (SP)
Cattedrale Cristo Re dei Secoli
piazza Europa 1, La Spezia (SP)
Chiesa Cattolica Parrocchiale Santa Maria Assunta
via della Canonica 4, La Spezia (SP)
Chiesa Cattolica Parrocchiale Ss. Giovanni e Agostino
vicolo San Giovanni 2, La Spezia (SP)
Convento di San Francesco
Via Milite Ignoto , Monterosso al Mare (SP)
Convento Sorelle Clarisse
Via Paradiso 191, Sarzana (SP)
Forte di Sarzanello
Sarzanello (SP)
Fortezza Firmafede
colle Sarzanello , Sarzana (SP)
Monastero di Santa Croce del Corvo
Via Santa Croce 30, Bocca di Magra (SP)
Monastero di Santa Maria del Mare
Piazzale Santo Stefano 1, Marinasco (SP)
Stormtroopers Guerre Stellari – Play, Genoa from 9 March to 15 October 2017
From 9 march to 15 october 2017 over 1000 pieces including models, action figures and vintage prints – some on display in Italy for the first time – give visitors a chance to explore the most unforgettable scenes and characters from a world that still fascinates and thrills fans around the globe.
Genoa and Japan
April 16 2005 - Start the first project of triennial cycle of venets connected at Japan that will be protracted until at 2007: "The art of themutation" will be the subject of the shows in program at Palazzo Ducale for this year.
Grotte di Toirano  - Archivio APT \ Savona and the Riviera delle Palme
A Riviera unrolling for more than one hundred kilometres, with the sea striving its best to satisfy its lovers coming from all over Europe: long beaches, bending sea-front promenades, high cliffs, pebbly inlets, tourist harbors and the wonderful sight of sperm whales, rorqual whales and dolphins.



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Live music 2
Abroad Italian Embassies0
Archaeological areas 3
Art exhibitions 51
Art galleries 3
Art-galleries 14
Historical signs and curiosity0
Monuments, spots and palaces Active
Museums 19
Theatres 1
explanation of accommodation type...
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