The joining of Genoa with Japan proposed in the project, cared by Gian Carlo Calza, is connected at the requalification initiated from some years in the ligurian capital to adopt it at the demands of a european town of vanguard. It is reconduced also at the intensive international relations culminated the las year with "Genoa Cultural Capital of Europe". That japanese is one of the culture that in their secular development have known change themselves absorbing incentives from the foreign, for this reason the subject of the triennial cycle from Genoa is dedicated at the East Sun has for foundation the change views across the art.
Every event of the three years 2005-2007 will last four months and will be articulated in a group of shows in the Palazzo Ducale and of collateral activity about cinema, the literature, the music and the shows, the martial arts, the cerimony of the tea and the cooking in different place of the town.
Tuesday april 19 will be prepared, by the Sala of the Minor Consiglio the conference of Donatella Failla about the subject "Paintings, dress, japanese bronze in show" at 05:00pm; saturday 23 an appointment for the most younger, a laboratory from the title "The my small japanese garden" by the Spazio Didattico, from 04.00pm at 06:00pm at payment with obligatory reservation at the number 010/5574004; tuesday april 26the conference of Gian carlo Calza "The nature in the art and in the japanese rites" at 05:00pm at free partecipation; thursday 28 meeting at care of Slow Food about "The japanese cooking" at 05.00pm with free entrance.
In program april from 16 at august 21 in Palazzo Ducale four shows, with entrance at payment: "Hiroshima-Nagasaki. Photo of the memory", "Manifests of artist. 1955-2005", "coiled in the myth. Material and customs between the eighteenth and the twentieth century from the Montgomery collection", "Presses and paintings. Works from the Chiossone Museum"; besides a fifth show from the title "Water, Fire, Light, Flowers", will be prepared by the Museum of Oriental Art Chiossone. |