Teatro della Tosse
Opening timeOpening time
Conditions & PriceConditions & Price
piazza Renato Negri 6/2, , Genova - 16123 (GE)
Tel: Register Fax: Register
Opening time
Tuesday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Wednesday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Thursday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Friday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Saturday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Sunday 09:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00 
Conditions & Price
Full price: €10.00 - €15.00
For disabled people
For disabled people
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Live music Genoa

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via Giuseppe Garibaldi 18, Genova (GE)
Musei di Strada Nuova - Palazzo Tursi
via Giuseppe Garibaldi 9, Genova (GE)
Palazzo del Principe - Sala degli Argenti
piazza del Principe 4, Genova (GE)


Stormtroopers Guerre Stellari – Play, Genoa from 9 March to 15 October 2017
From 9 march to 15 october 2017 over 1000 pieces including models, action figures and vintage prints – some on display in Italy for the first time – give visitors a chance to explore the most unforgettable scenes and characters from a world that still fascinates and thrills fans around the globe.
Genoa and Japan
April 16 2005 - Start the first project of triennial cycle of venets connected at Japan that will be protracted until at 2007: "The art of themutation" will be the subject of the shows in program at Palazzo Ducale for this year.
Grotte di Toirano  - Archivio APT \ Savona and the Riviera delle Palme
A Riviera unrolling for more than one hundred kilometres, with the sea striving its best to satisfy its lovers coming from all over Europe: long beaches, bending sea-front promenades, high cliffs, pebbly inlets, tourist harbors and the wonderful sight of sperm whales, rorqual whales and dolphins.



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Live music Active
Abroad Italian Embassies0
Archaeological areas0
Art exhibitions 182
Art galleries 1
Art-galleries 67
Historical signs and curiosity0
Monuments, spots and palaces 28
Museums 65
Theatres 10
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