African restaurants The african food variety from region to region and much different meets between the countries of the Sahara band and those of the tropical forest of the Africa central. The islands then constitute a shape of cooking to its. In the continent the tightly dish is a course to base of meat, almost always accompanied from a rich juice of varied spices, also very spicy. To the place of the west bread is eaten the rice, the "ingera" (a thin tender and soft puff pastry made with a cereal called tef, the "fufu" a sort of polenta to base of flour of manioca, of mais, of millet, et cetera). The african dish perhaps most known is the "zighini", national dish for Etiopia, Somalia and Eritrea. It is constituted from cooked mutton in damp, accompanied from "berberè", a rich juice of spicy paprika, and varied vegetables. Also the chicken is very spread, from the chicken saka-saka to the chicken to the butter of arachide, dressed with the dongo-dongo, a spice that helps the juice to compact itself and to give it the its special taste. Other typical dish above in NorthAfrica is the "couscous" considered the dish for the party. The african cooking is also to base of fish, above in the islands and in the countries that are appeared on the sea specially abouding in fish. From not lose, the famous bananas fried, the sweets potatoes also their fried and the manioca boiled and fried. Here the restaurants where taste these special dishes also in Italy.
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Africa Due
viale Mentana 80, Parma (PR)
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