Palazzi Vaticani Museums of Italy
3000 technical forms about the italian museums, from the Valle D'Aosta at the Sicily, from the sculpture at the painting, from the industrial archaeology at the ancient prints, the games of our forefathers and the crockery of the ancient romans...
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Area Archeologica di Ostra Vetere
Località Muracce , Ostra Vetere (AN)
Piazza Pitti 1, Firenze (FI)
Aria e dello Spazio
via San Pelagio 34, Due Carrare (PD)
Armeria Albicini
corso della Repubblica 72, Forlì (FC)
Armeria Reale di Torino
piazza Castello 191, Torino (TO)
Armi "Luigi Marzoli"
via Castello 9, Brescia (BS)
Armi Antiche
Salita alla Rocca , San Marino (RN)
Armi Antiche "Fosco Baboni"
piazza Pasotti 26, Castellucchio (MN)
Armi Antiche di Offagna
piazza del Maniero 17, Offagna (AN)
Armi Antiche e Moderne
via Giacomo Leopardi 187, Sarnano (MC)
Armi e delle Maioliche della Rocca Sforzesca
piazza Giovanni dalle Bande Nere , Imola (BO)
Arredi Sacri di Castel Sant'Elia
Piazza Cardinale Gasperri 2, Castel Sant'Elia (VT)
Arredi Sacri di Panicale
via Roma , Panicale (PG)
Arredo Contemporaneo
strada Statale San Vitale 153, Russi (RA)
Arte Antica - Castello Sforzesco
Piazza Castello , Milano (MI)
Arte campanaria
via Massimo D'Azeglio 9, Russi (RA)
Arte Cinese di Parma
viale San Martino 8, Parma (PR)
Arte Classica
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma (RM)
Arte Contemporanea
via D'Avalos 1, Vasto (CH)
Arte Contemporanea - Donazione Meli
via Castello , Luzzana (BG)



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Mother Tree. Rooted by the Spine In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Cariatide (bleue), circa 1913 Modigliani and the Montparnasse Adventure
On 22 January 1920 Amedeo Modigliani was taken, unconscious, to the Hôpital de la Charité in Paris and died there two days later at the age of only 36, struck down by the then incurable disease of tubercular meningitis that he had miraculously managed to survive twenty years earlier.
Impianti di risalita - Archivio Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena - Azienda per il Turismo S.p.a. Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena Travel Guide
The Brenta Group of the Dolomites and the perennial glaciers distended on the granite peaks of the Adamello and Presanella encase the Rendena Valley, running up to the crowning charm of Madonna di Campiglio.
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