There are agencies that offer temporary workers to the firm that request a specific professional figure for a limited period of time. Put themselves like intermediady to favor the meeting between demand and offer of work, bringing of the advantages for who is searching for a job. The worker asked is assumed from the agency, from which will perceive the salary, with a contract to determinate time; the firm called "utilizzatrice", stipulates to its time a contract with the interinal agency and repays to this the burdens. Nothing forbids that the firm assumes with contract for indeterminate time the workers to the end of the temporary contract. The interinale worker is not held to pay nothing to the angency for the service given back. Who is in search of work can present himself in the seats of the Agencies of the interinale work, or telephone or send a fax with the actual curriculum that must have at the foot of the page the wording "I authorize the treatment of my personal data to the senses of articles 23 and 24 of D.Lgs 196/2003"