These are offices that give at the tourist the informations of whom requires for the lodging, to visit the place where he is found, to know the initiatives and the events of the period. Here find the addresses and opening hours of the seats.
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APT Stazione Ferroviaria Centrale
piazzale Stazione , Catania (CT)
APT Terme di Comano, Dolomiti di Brenta
via Cesare Battisti 38/d, Ponte Arche (TN)
APT Terminillo
via dei Villini 33, Rieti (RI)
APT Trento e Monte Bondone
via Alfieri 4, Trento (TN)
APT Val di Fiemme
via Fratelli Bronzetti 60, Cavalese (TN)
APT Val di Non
via Roma 21, Fondo (TN)
APT Valle di Fiemme
via Cesare Battisti 4, Predazzo (TN)
APT Valli di Sole, Pejo e Rabbi
piazzale Folgarida 18, Folgarida (TN)
APT Valsugana Vacanze
via Tre Novembre 13/15, Pergine Valsugana (TN)
APT Versilia al Palazzo delle Muse
piazza Giuseppe Mazzini , Viareggio (LU)
APT Villa Rendena
via Nazioanle , Villa Rendena (TN)
via Thaon de Revel 4, Ancona (AN)
APTR Abruzzo Promozione Turismo
via Nicola Fabrizi 171, Pescara (PE)
corso Paolino d'Aquileia 4, Cividale del Friuli (UD)
Associazione dei Comuni Italiani sulla Via Francigena
piazza Duomo 16, Fidenza (PR)
Associazione Turistica
via Josef Renzler 9, San Lorenzo (BZ)
Associazione Turistica
via Chienes 4/B, Chienes (BZ)
Associazione Turistica
piazza Dottor Weiser 2, Terlano (BZ)
Associazione Turistica
piazza von Kurz 5, Villabassa (BZ)
Associazione Turistica
piazza Floriani 4, Valdaora (BZ)


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Farrar’s garden to 2 In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Cariatide (bleue), circa 1913 Modigliani and the Montparnasse Adventure
On 22 January 1920 Amedeo Modigliani was taken, unconscious, to the Hôpital de la Charité in Paris and died there two days later at the age of only 36, struck down by the then incurable disease of tubercular meningitis that he had miraculously managed to survive twenty years earlier.
Impianti di risalita - Archivio Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena - Azienda per il Turismo S.p.a. Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena Travel Guide
The Brenta Group of the Dolomites and the perennial glaciers distended on the granite peaks of the Adamello and Presanella encase the Rendena Valley, running up to the crowning charm of Madonna di Campiglio.
La Paolina -  - Agenzia per il Turismo Arcipelago Toscano Elba: Travel Guide for the island
The Island of the Treasures: according to legend the island is the pearl from a precious necklace that Venus dropped in the sea. It is in stretch of Mare Tirreno that washes the livornese coast and the islands of Capraia, Montecristo, Gorgona, Giannutri, Giglio and Pianosa (Tuscan Archipelago).



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