Chinese restaurants
The chinese cooking is a healthy cooking made of vegetables served almost raw, of meat cut to smallface and of fish fished and served. The chinese philosophy lead us to discover the foods yin (cold), like the mushrooms and the sprouts of bambù, and the foods yang (warm), like the spices and the meats. four schools of cooking are recognized, each bound to a region: that Northerner characterized for the wide use of the pasta, or ravioli that spaghetti and tagliatelle, that Southerner (or cantonese) in which are used a lot of vegetables and rice. The large presence of the water characterizes all the eastern cooking, with agreeable fruits of sea and crustaceans, but also snatches and other varied of fish. Here the cooking is slower regards to the remainder of the country, with large use of the boiled, of the soup and of the braise; finally we find the west that is the cooking that is approached to the indian culture and of the center Asia in type, here the dishes are more spices and spicy, with large use of paprika and of the pepper. In type in the chinese restaurants in Italy the cooking is "occidentalizzata" with tastes except resolute and menu more or except for like in all locals. Here some of the locals presents in our country.
corso Porta Mare
45, Ferrara (FE) |
via Alagon
4, Cagliari (CA) |
via Dante Alighieri
62, Grottamare (AP) |
viale Croce Rossa
27, Palermo (PA) |
via Aurelia Sud
30, Viareggio (LU) |
piazza di Villa Fiorelli
13, Roma (RM) |
Chen Lon
via Principi d'Acaja
35/h, Torino (TO) |
largo Don Giovanni Minzoni
5, Terni (TR) |