Private nursery schools
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via Albareto 663/1, Modena - Albareto (MO)
Don Barbolini
via Milano 115, Modena (MO)
Don Milani
via Forlì 125, Modena (MO)
Figlie di Gesù
via del Carmine 12, Modena (MO)
Gesù Bambino
viale della Pace 15, Modena (MO)
La Carovana Boccolari Boschetti
via Arturo Anderlini 5, Modena (MO)
La Madonnina delle suore Francescane
via Pietro Alvarado 85, Modena (MO)
Madonna Pellegrina
via don Giovanni Minzoni 194, Modena (MO)
strada Scartazza 180, Modena (MO)
Materna Sacro Cuore
strada Viazza Cognento 8/1, Modena (MO)
strada Scartazza 180, Modena (MO)
Mister Fogg
via Emilia Ovest 135, Modena (MO)
strada Contrada 127, Modena (MO)
Peter Pan
via Pietro Tacchini 4, Modena (MO)
via Mario Bonacini 195, Modena (MO)
Sacro Cuore
via Giovanni Paisiello 5, Modena (MO)
San Benedetto Abate
via Nino Bixio 22, Modena (MO)
San Geminiano
via Cognento 200/3, Modena - Cognento (MO)
San Giovanni Battista
via Jacopo da Porto 519, Modena - frazione Baggiovara (MO)
via Belle Arti 32, Modena (MO)

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Edvard Munch The Scream 1895 Munch: The Scream Within
One of the year’s most eagerly awaited exhibitions to open its doors on 14 September 2024: Edvard Munch is back in Milan with a major retrospective after a 40-year absence.
Spiaggia - Archivio Fotografico Assessorato Turismo Comune di Rimini The Emilia Romagna Riviera
Perhaps it's one of the most known for summer and bathing tourism in Italy: along the Emilia Romagna Riviera, in the Ferrara, Rimini, and Ravenna districts, the tourist is undiscussed protagonist all through spring and summer!
Ferrara Piazza Municipale (c) Archivio Fotografico della Provincia di Ferrara Ferrara Travel Guide
Province of Emilia Romagna, the ferrarese territory is rich of natural and artistic treasures: medieval villages, castles and old patrizie abodes punctuate the fertile plains and the lake zones where the nature is protected and the tourist is welcome with the typical heat of the people of the place
Il Parmigianino, Diana e Atteone Ufficio Turismo Comune di Fontanellato Fontanellato Travel Guide
Wonderful centre in the parmense land, Fontanellato takes its name from the ancient place-name “Fontana Lata” which is a reference to the abundant water resources and characteristic “risorgive” (natural springs) of area lying between the uplands and lowlands of the Po Valley.



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