Sheer red cliffs, sheltered bays, bathing beaches and coves washed by crystal clear water and a shady pinewood – Castiglioncello’s beauty has inspired artists, painters, writers and poets. Celebrated by painters of the Macchiaioli school, favoured by many literary and artistic personalities, it is an important centre for artistic and scientific events. Every year cultural events, dance seasons, literary and philosophical awards and international conferences are held at Castello Pasquini.
Important cultural initiatives take place at Diego Martelli Art Centre and at the Communication Centre. Castiglioncello has been awarded a blue flag by the Europe an Union and is also a centre for sports - water-sports, tennis and golf can be enjoyed there, while Chioma attracts divers from all over the world. The shady pinewood, its air laden with woodland scents, is an inviting place for relaxing walks.
A wide choice of accommodation offers old-fashioned hospitality and high-quality cuisine can be found in numerous restaurants where fresh-caught fish is served.
Sport and sea
The blue flag-winning sea that washes the rocky coast from Chioma to Castiglioncello and the long sandy beaches between Rosignano Solvay and Vada is well known for the richness of its underwater life.
Seawatchers, divers and fishermen flock to this coast, along with sailing and windsurfing enthusiasts.
The marinas at Chioma, Castiglioncello and Rosignano Solvay provide an excellent base for all kinds of leisure craft, and well-organised sailing clubs guarantee first-rate services.

The Etruscans
Its position on the coast made Rosignano and the surrounding area a busy crossroads and trading centre in ancient times. The Etruscans, a fascinating, cultured people which once inhabited this coast, left many traces of their civilisation here.
The Etruscan necropoli found in Castiglioncello, Rosignano Solvay and Vada are proof of the size and importance of their settlements in this area, reminders of which are on display at the Palazzo Bombardieri Museum in Rosignano Marittimo.
Ancient civilisations alternated on this land, as it is witnessed by the excavations at S. Gaetano (Vada) which brought to light the remains of a large harbour built in the 2nd half of the 1st century AD, as well as baths and a market.