Assisi Eremo Assisi Travel Guide
Laying among the verdant hills of Umbria, Assisi will fascinate anyone having the honour and the pleasure to visit it with its mistic atmosphere and richness of art and history. San Francesco, the patron saint of Italy, is born here and here he founded his monastic order.
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Porta Nuova 3 Stelle
viale Umberto I 21, Assisi (PG)
Porziuncola 3 Stelle
piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi (Frazione Santa Maria degli Angeli) 10, Assisi (PG)
Porziuncola - Dipendenza 1 Stelle
via Micarelli (Frazione Santa Maria degli Angeli) 3, Assisi (PG)
Posta e Panoramic 2 Stelle
via San Paolo 17, Assisi (PG)
Properzio 2 Stelle
via San Francesco 38, Assisi (PG)
Roma 2 Stelle
piazza Santa Chiara 13/15, Assisi (PG)
San Francesco 3 Stelle
via San Francesco 48, Assisi (PG)
San Giacomo 2 Stelle
via San Giacomo 6, Assisi (PG)
San Giacomo - Dipendenza 1 Stelle
via San Giacomo 4, Assisi (PG)
San Pietro 3 Stelle
piazza San Pietro 5, Assisi (PG)
San Rufino 2 Stelle
via Porta Perlici 7, Assisi (PG)
Santa Maria 2 Stelle
via Lorenzetti (Frazione Santa Maria degli Angeli) 2, Assisi (PG)
Santa Maria degli Ancillotti 4 Stelle
via Sterpeto 42, Assisi (PG)
Sole 2 Stelle
corso Mazzini 35, Assisi (PG)
Sole - Dipendenza 2 Stelle
corso Mazzini 20, Assisi (PG)
Subasio 4 Stelle
via Frate Elia 2, Assisi (PG)
Terra Natia 3 Stelle
via Berlinguer (Frazione Santa Maria degli Angeli) 5, Assisi (PG)
Umbra 3 Stelle
via degli Archi 6, Assisi (PG)
Valle di Assisi 1 Stelle
località Ceccomatto Tordandrea , Assisi (PG)
Victor 1 Stelle
via Santa Maria della Spina (Frazione Rivotorto) 18, Assisi (PG)



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