Preparazione - Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano - IAT Comune di Parma The best of italian gastronomy
European title of cookery is contented between Italy and France, but with any doubt italian cusine is one of the most famous and appreciated all over the world. Italy has exported products, recipes, traditions and customs.
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via del Mare 124, Lanciano (CH)
Celtic Druid
Via Caduti di Cefalonia 5/c, Bologna (BO)
Celtic pub
via Santa Chiara 1, Verona (VR)
Central Park
piazza Banda Lenti 2, San Maurizio (AL)
Centrale del Latte
via Nazario Sauro 16, Cremona (CR)
Centrale della Birra
viale Trento e Trieste 62/A, Cremona (CR)
Chalet al Castello
via del Castello 13, Brescia (BS)
via Vigevano 45, Milano (MI)
via Emilia Pavese 129, Piacenza (PC)
Chaplin - Circolo Free Land
Via Latina 34, Pescara (PE)
via Tommaso Valperga Caluso 1 bis, Torino (TO)
via Maurizio Monti 26, Como (CO)
via Salento 83, Taranto (TA)
Charro Cafè
via Santa Maria Segreta 7/9, Milano (MI)
Chatoull's Bistrot
via Giuseppe Mazzini 1, Palermo (PA)
via Litoranea 89, Follonica (GR)
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viale Regina Elena 187, Rimini (RN)
corso Italia 15, Pisa (PI)
via Leonardi 23, Catania (CT)
via Giovanni Raineri 29, Piacenza (PC)



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 Because the human body is a tree. Spring Awakening I In the garden
The initiative, which is scheduled to run from June 26th to September 13th, 2020, is inaugurating a temporary space for art in Corso Matteotti 5, in Milan, in the very heart of the city.
Cariatide (bleue), circa 1913 Modigliani and the Montparnasse Adventure
On 22 January 1920 Amedeo Modigliani was taken, unconscious, to the Hôpital de la Charité in Paris and died there two days later at the age of only 36, struck down by the then incurable disease of tubercular meningitis that he had miraculously managed to survive twenty years earlier.
Campiglio di notte - Archivio Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena - Azienda per il Turismo S.p.a. Madonna di Campiglio - Pinzolo - Val Rendena Travel Guide
The Brenta Group of the Dolomites and the perennial glaciers distended on the granite peaks of the Adamello and Presanella encase the Rendena Valley, running up to the crowning charm of Madonna di Campiglio.
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